promotion test #306

February 8th, 2025, starting at 10:00 AM, will be belt testing.
Black Belt Meeting at 8:30 at the main dojang, 1510 Mt. Vernon RD SE, Cedar Rapids IA 52403.

Promotion Test # 305

December 14th, 2024 starting 10:00 AM Colored Belt Testing Black Belt Test starting at 12:00 PM

Black Belt Meeting 8:30 AM Location Main Dojang 1510 Mt Vernon RD SE, Cedar Rapids IA 52403

Forms and Applications

Promotion Test Information

Testing Fee Schedule Colored Belts – $45 Brown Belts – $50 Temporary Black Belts – $190 for 6 months 1st Dan Black Belt – $240 1 1/2 years 2nd Dan Black Belt – $317 2 Years 3rd Dan Black Belt – $360 2 1/2 years 4th Dan Black Belt – $405 3 years 5th Dan Black Belt – $493 3 1/2 years 6th Dan Black Belt – $595 4 Years 7th Dan Black Belt – $708 4 1/2 Years 8th Dan Black Belt – $838 5 Years 9th Dan Black Belt – $977 All Color belt and Black belt test fees: make checks out to Jung’s Black Belt Association
Price list for uniforms (Doboks) and patches.Student uniforms $35.00 Student uniforms $35.00 Top with Black trim medium weight $50.00 Black Belt uniform with black trim on top and bottom medium weight $70.00 Black Belt uniform with Black trim on top and bottom heavy weight $82.00 Red school patch $7.00

Testing is performing your Taekwondo Skills for your instructor (and a panel of judges) to demonstrate your current level and your desire to attain the next belt in Taekwondo.

  • Make sure to find out what qualifications you must have a few weeks before the test date.
  • Turn in your application and fees on time.
  • Arrive early, if possible, with a clean, pressed uniform. If you must be late because of an emergency, call to let the school know you are coming.
  • Respect all judges and all guests. Make sure your own guests know that they must remove shoes; make sure they know where they should sit or watch. Find out this information from your instructor or from senior students ahead of time.
  • Always respond to questions and commands loudly and clearly. Nothing impresses the judges more than a hearty “Yes, SIR,” when you are called up.
  • Respect the other belts who are testing. Watch them. You want to be there one day yourself.
  • Above all, when you have a test to prepare for, make sure you practice your techniques at every class!

Home Rules for Youth Promotion Testing

  1. Children will respect parents and family members at all times.
  2. Children will greet their parents when they enter the house and say goodbye when they leave.
  3. Children will be truthful at all times.
  4. Children will maintain a good relationship with their brothers and sisters.
  5. Children must help will household chores.
  6. Children will keep their own room neat and clean.
  7. Children must keep their body, hair, and teeth clean at all times.
  8. Children will not interrupt adult conversations.
  9. Children will study their school work at school and at home.
  10. Children must show respect for teachers and peers at all times.
  11. Children should always finish what they have started.

Student need to know this for test question: Your birthday, tae kwon do birthday(start day), the year tae kwon do started (April 11,1955), parents’ birthdays and instructor’s birthday.  Persons testing for black belt should first show their heart; second, how they teach class; and third. their technique.

1. When you ki-hap you should say “Yaaa.”
2. The ki-hap changes over time. When you are white belt it comes from the upper airway and will be more high pitched; yellow belt, lower; etc.; green belt from middle chest; blue upper abdomen and by the time you are brown belt,it should come from the area around your belt.
Promotion Testing Prepare Practice makes you better at Taekwondo…… Link below…. Poomsae Form Meaning and videos so you can practice at home. Practice regularly (at home). Go to class every week – that goes without saying. But you should also practice at home, whenever you can spare the time. My experience both as a student and an instructor is that people who practice their Taekwondo at home get better a lot faster than their TKD peers. Especially their cardio and flexibility. Promotion Testing: You will be asked to demonstrate techniques on Curriculum. Promotion Testing every 2 months upon approval.

Info you should know.

GM Jung has asked for the following rules for testing: 1. Testing for brown belt and above must be done at the main school during the regular testing time. The only exceptions are for family emergencies and special family events.1. Testing for brown belt and above must be done at the main school during the regular testing time. The only exceptions are for family emergencies and special family events. 2. Testing for other belt levels should also be done at the main school during the regular testing. If a student has an approved reason for not attending regular testing, eg a medical reason, family emergency, or a special family event, the student may attend a make up test with the preferred site to be the main school. This should not include students who just want to attend other events, eg sporting events, dances, etc. For those students testing should be delayed to the next regular test time. 3. The home school may be the preferred test site for tiny tigers, but those students3. The home school may be the preferred test site for tiny tigers, but those students may also be included in regular testing. 4.If a branch school has a pre-existing agreement with GM Jung, that agreement will continue.